Neon has just unveiled the spine-chilling trailer for The Monkey, a horror film that blends supernatural terror with psychological unease. Produced by the legendary James Wan, the film is written and directed by Oz Perkins, known for his eerie storytelling and unsettling visuals. Based on the super freaky clapping monkey toy, which became a popular urban legend, and Stephen King's short story of the same name, The Monkey is set to haunt audiences in 2025.
The film centers around twin brothers Bill and Hal, who, while rummaging through their father’s attic, stumble upon an old monkey toy—one that eerily claps its cymbals together. Soon after their discovery, a series of gruesome deaths begins to unfold, triggering a spiral of fear and violence. In a desperate attempt to rid themselves of the curse, the brothers decide to throw the toy away and try to move on with their lives. However, as time passes, the siblings grow apart, only to realize that the malevolent force tied to the toy might not be so easy to escape.
Starring Theo James, Tatiana Maslany, Elijah Wood, Christian Convery, Colin O'Brien, Rohan Campbell, and Sarah Levy, The Monkey promises a blend of psychological horror and supernatural dread. The ensemble cast adds depth to the tale of sibling rivalry, growing isolation, and an ancient evil that won’t let go.
With James Wan at the helm of production, known for his work on The Conjuring and Saw, expectations are high for The Monkey to be a horrifying and thought-provoking thriller. The film’s teaser has already sparked anticipation, drawing comparisons to some of the most memorable supernatural horror stories.
The Monkey is slated for release on February 21, 2025, and is sure to be a must-watch for fans of dark, atmospheric horror. As the chilling legacy of the toy unfolds, viewers will be left questioning whether some things are better left undisturbed.
Check Out The Trailer:-