After a joyous start to the new year and birthday celebrations, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have returned to Mumbai with their adorable daughter, Dua. The couple was spotted by the paparazzi as they made their way to their car, offering a glimpse into their family life as they continue to embrace parenthood. Deepika and Ranveer, ever the fashion icons, didn’t miss the chance to look effortlessly stylish as they greeted the shutterbugs.
Deepika looked effortlessly chic in a relaxed yet fashionable outfit, sporting an oversized striped shirt paired with baggy trousers. Her sleek bun added the perfect touch of elegance to her laid-back look. Meanwhile, Ranveer Singh, known for his bold and eclectic fashion choices, kept it cool and casual in an all-black outfit, featuring a fitted shirt layered over a black T-shirt. Both of them twinned in black glasses, adding a matching touch to their coordinated ensemble.
The couple’s return to Mumbai comes after a milestone in their lives—welcoming their baby girl, Dua, last year. This journey into parenthood has been a transformative and joyful experience for the couple, and their fans continue to follow their family moments with warmth and admiration.
Ranveer and Deepika, one of Bollywood’s most loved and stylish couples, continue to set relationship and fashion goals for their massive fanbase. As they step into this new chapter with Dua, their fans can’t wait to see more of their family moments and the love they share.