In an exciting collaboration, Bollywood star Alia Bhatt and renowned singer Diljit Dosanjh have teamed up to deliver a powerful new track, “Chal Kudiye,” for Bhatt’s highly anticipated film Jigra. Set to hit theaters on October 11, 2024, the film and its accompanying soundtrack are generating significant buzz for their compelling portrayal of women’s strength and resilience.
“Chal Kudiye,” which translates to “Move Girl” in English, is an inspiring anthem that celebrates women’s courage across various spheres of life. The song is penned by Harmanjeet Singh and features the distinctive voice of Diljit Dosanjh, alongside Alia Bhatt. The music for the track is composed by Manpreet Singh, promising an evocative and energetic tune that aligns perfectly with the song’s empowering message.
In the music video, Diljit dons a striking all-white ensemble, embodying a sense of purity and clarity, while Alia Bhatt appears in a bold black outfit, her T-shirt emblazoned with the word ‘Ghar’ (Home). This contrast in their attire symbolizes the diverse yet unified strength of women. The video features a segment that poignantly reflects on women’s struggles and the global call for justice and change, enhancing the track’s impact.
Directed by Vasan Bala, Jigra delves into the heartfelt story of a brother and sister, highlighting the sister’s unwavering love and protective instincts towards her sibling. The film promises a mix of emotional depth, action, and intense sequences, with Alia Bhatt leading the cast and Vedang Raina playing a significant role.
The film’s narrative is expected to be both touching and thrilling, offering audiences a blend of drama and excitement. As a testament to the emotional and physical challenges depicted in the film, “Chal Kudiye” aligns seamlessly with the overarching theme of resilience and bravery.
The film is slated for 11th October 2024.
Check Out The Song:-