Aamir Khan's son, Junaid Khan, and the late star Sridevi’s daughter, Khushi Kapoor, are ready to make their big-screen debuts together in the upcoming light-hearted drama Loveyapa. The film, directed by Advait Chandan, promises to bring a perfect blend of comedy, drama, and romance. The trailer, released this Friday, gives a glimpse into the chaotic yet heartwarming journey of a young couple whose lives take a dramatic turn when they swap their mobile phones, exposing secrets and personal revelations that lead to laughter, love, and a lot of drama.
The trailer sets the tone for the film, packed with playful moments, witty dialogues, and the charming chemistry between Junaid and Khushi. Their characters find themselves in a whirlwind of emotions and misunderstandings, making Loveyapa an engaging story about modern relationships in the age of technology. Along with the fresh pair, the film features a talented supporting cast, including Ashutosh Rana, Tanvika Parlikar, and the ever-popular Kiku Sharda, who are sure to add more flavor to the comedic narrative.
Loveyapa is not just about love but also the hilarious and often unpredictable ways technology can impact relationships. The film’s trailer promises an entertaining ride filled with humor, drama, and the kinds of situations that make us laugh and reflect on the complexities of love and trust. With Advait Chandan, known for his previous work on Secret Superstar, at the helm, expectations for Loveyapa are high.
Scheduled for release on February 7, 2025, Loveyapa is already gaining attention for its star-studded debutants and its unique story. If the trailer is anything to go by, this comedy-drama is bound to be a fun and refreshing addition to Bollywood’s 2025 lineup. Fans are eagerly awaiting to see Junaid Khan and Khushi Kapoor shine on the big screen in this delightful, feel-good film.
Check Out The Trailer:-