Vishal Kotian is all set to play the pivotal role of Vishwaraj in the much-awaited historical drama series Shringarika, which will stream on the Atrangii app starting January 17th. The series promises a mix of drama, revenge, action, romance, and deep emotional layers, and Vishal believes it's nothing short of India's Game of Thrones.
In an exclusive interview, Vishal opened up about his role, the intense preparation involved, and the challenges of portraying such a complex character.
Talking about the show, he said, “Shringarika is a 60-episode series. It’s got everything – drama, revenge, action, romance, lust, and compassion. This is India’s Game of Thrones, and I believe the audience is going to love it."
According to Vishal, stepping into a role like Vishwaraj is vastly different from playing characters in typical TV serials, where an actor might perform in daily episodes, go home, and prepare for the next. In Shringarika, the character demands full immersion, and the journey is mentally and physically demanding.
“When you take on a character in a TV series, you do the episode, go home, and come back the next day for the next one. But when you do a series or a film, you truly live the character. It’s a huge challenge. Vishwaraj is a complex character with a lot of shades – from being negative to falling in love, and even becoming handicapped. There is a lot of emotional depth in this role,” Vishal shares.
To bring Vishwaraj to life, Vishal underwent significant physical and emotional preparation, including changes to his appearance. He had to work on his hair, beard, and overall body to fit the role of a warrior prince.
“It took a lot of preparation. The hair, beard, and body – I had to put in a lot of effort. There were injuries along the way, but the show must go on,” Vishal says, reflecting on the dedication needed to maintain the character’s authenticity.
Portraying such a layered and intense character comes with its own set of challenges. Vishal reveals that the role of Vishwaraj took a toll on him, and it took him some time to detach from the character.
“Now I understand why actors take therapy after doing such intense roles. After doing roles like these for 100 days, the character stays in your mind. Ranbir after Animal, Ranveer after Padmavat, Shahid after Kabir Singh – it’s the same thing. When you play such a character for months, it takes a mental toll. It took me almost a week to come out of the character,” Vishal admits.
With Shringarika set to be one of the biggest releases of the year, Vishal Kotian’s portrayal of Vishwaraj promises to captivate audiences with its intensity, drama, and grandeur.
The show will stream on Atrangii from January 17.