At the trailer launch of Chhaava, Vicky Kaushal opened up about his intense preparation and the transformative journey he underwent to portray the mighty warrior, Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj, on the big screen. The actor, known for his versatility and commitment to his roles, shared insights into the physical and emotional demands of embodying a character so deeply rooted in Indian history.
Kaushal reflected on the early stages of preparation, recalling his daily meetings with director Laxman Utekar, who played a pivotal role in shaping his character. "When we began preparing for the role of Chhaava, I used to meet Laxman sir every day. We would sit down with the script, doing a lot of research. There were so many questions, and I kept asking, 'What should I prepare for?' After all the research, Laxman sir gave me one simple brief: 'Vicky, I want a lion. When he walks, when he roars, I want it to feel like a lion. Don’t think about anything else. In every cell of your body, you should feel like a lion.'"
This brief from Utekar set the tone for Kaushal’s preparation, which extended far beyond just learning lines or memorizing battle scenes. The actor’s transformation was rooted in the essence of the character—Sambhaji Maharaj’s indomitable spirit and fearlessness. For Kaushal, the challenge was not only physical but also about capturing the intense spirit of the warrior king.
The actor further elaborated on how the preparation was not just limited to the physical aspect, but how much confidence he drew from Utekar's leadership. "Our work as actors became easier because of the confidence Laxman sir instilled in us. When a director says, 'This film is personal for me,' it gives you so much confidence. Whatever happens, you know the shoot will be sincere, earnest, and authentic." This sense of trust and authenticity was key for Kaushal, who felt that Utekar’s vision would ensure that the film would carry both emotional weight and historical integrity.
On the physical side, Kaushal underwent rigorous action training, particularly after finishing his role in Sam Bahadur, where he took a seven-month break to prepare for the role of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj. "There was action training involved, but more importantly, it was about capturing the essence and spirit of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj," Kaushal said. His commitment to embodying the character involved not only physical fitness but also understanding the warrior’s values, courage, and leadership qualities.