The much-anticipated Marathi film Follower, which made its world premiere at the prestigious International Film Festival of Rotterdam (IFFR), is all set to release in theatres on 21st March 2025. The film, which also incorporates elements of Kannada and Hindi, has successfully cleared the censor process, heightening anticipation for its upcoming theatrical debut.
Directed by debutant Harshad Nalawade, Follower offers a fresh and unique storytelling experience. The film is a joint presentation of OrangePixel Studios and Visica Films, with production by Humara Medialabs and Causality Films. This collaboration promises a multi-lingual film that blends rich regional narratives into one cohesive plot, appealing to a diverse audience.
The story of Follower is expected to captivate with its compelling plot and strong performances. Having already gained attention with its international premiere, the film is now poised to bring its unique perspective to Indian cinemas. The combination of Marathi, Kannada, and Hindi elements adds a distinctive layer to the film, making it an intriguing watch for fans of regional cinema.
As Follower prepares for its theatrical release, excitement is building among cinephiles. With its innovative direction and the creative backing of talented filmmakers, Follower is expected to make a significant mark in the world of regional cinema, further cementing its place as one of the most anticipated films of 2025.