In an unexpected turn of events, renowned lyricist Manoj Muntashir Shukla has voiced his displeasure over the omission of his name in the recently released teaser for Maaye, the first song from the much-anticipated film Sky Force. The song, which has already garnered significant attention for its emotional depth and patriotism, seems to have sparked controversy over the lack of credit given to Muntashir, who wrote the lyrics.
In a passionate tweet, Muntashir expressed his frustration, addressing the production companies involved, Jio Studios, Maddock Films, and SaReGaMaPa:
"Please note @jiostudios, @MaddockFilms @saregamaglobal, This song is not just sung and composed but also written by someone who has given all his blood and sweat to it. Removing writers name from the opening credits shows utter disrespect for the craft and fraternity by the makers. If it’s not corrected immediately, including the main song releasing tomorrow, I am going to disown the song and make sure my voice is heard by the law of the land. Shame. @IPRSmusic"
The tweet has since sparked a wave of support from fans and industry peers alike, with many expressing their solidarity with Muntashir and calling for proper recognition for lyricists. Writing lyrics for a song is often a painstaking process, and the omission of the lyricist’s name from the credits has been seen as a major oversight, especially for someone as acclaimed as Muntashir, whose work includes hits like Teri Mitti (from Kesari) and Galliyan (from Ek Villain).
The controversy puts the spotlight on the ongoing issue of undercrediting or overlooking the contributions of songwriters in the Indian film industry. While composers and singers often enjoy prominent recognition, lyricists sometimes don’t get the acknowledgment they deserve, despite their crucial role in bringing a song to life.
Muntashir’s strong statement also highlights the importance of intellectual property rights, urging the industry to respect the rights and contributions of all artists involved. Fans and followers are now eagerly awaiting whether the concerned production houses will rectify the mistake before the main song is officially released tomorrow.
As of now, the ball is in the court of Jio Studios, Maddock Films, and SaReGaMaPa to ensure that Muntashir’s name is restored in the credits, and the oversight is addressed promptly to maintain goodwill and respect for the craft.
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