Actor John Abraham took a strong stand against drug use during his speech at the Navi Mumbai Nasha Mukta Abhiyan, a campaign aimed at creating awareness about drug addiction and promoting a drug-free lifestyle. Addressing students and the gathering, John shared his personal experiences and emphasized the importance of discipline in life.
“I want to say to students, I have personally never touched drugs in my life. No smoking, no drinking, but no drugs is very important," said John, underlining the significance of making healthy choices. He encouraged young people to stay disciplined and set a positive example for their peers. “Be very disciplined in life, be a role model to your friends, colleagues. Be a good citizen of Maharashtra, India, and train hard to get some good muscles," he added, reinforcing his message of fitness and well-being.
Known for his strong advocacy of a fit and healthy lifestyle, John Abraham has consistently encouraged young people to focus on physical fitness and mental clarity as keys to success. Through this campaign, he continued to inspire students to stay away from harmful substances and instead focus on their physical and mental health.
The actor’s message resonated deeply with the audience, especially the youth, as he continues to be a role model for fitness, discipline, and responsibility.
John Abraham will soon be seen in The Diplomat, Tehran, Tariq and more.