The Forge has released the trailer for Sujo, an acclaimed Mexican drama co-written and co-directed by Astrid Rondero and Fernanda Valadez. Set against the backdrop of a small, violent Mexican town, the film follows the harrowing journey of a young boy named Sujo, whose life is irrevocably altered after the murder of his father, a cartel gunman.
Starring Juan Jesús Varela, Yadira Perez, Alexis Varela, Jairo Hernández, Sandra Lorenzano, Kevin Aguilar, and Karla Garrido, Sujo delves into themes of survival, identity, and the legacy of violence. After his father’s death, Sujo is left an orphan and is taken in by his aunt, who raises him in the remote countryside, far from the dangers of cartel life. Yet, the shadow of his father’s legacy looms over him, and as Sujo enters his teens, he becomes drawn to the same rebellious spirit that led his father to the cartel.
The film follows Sujo’s turbulent journey as he grapples with his destiny, caught between the desire to escape his past and the inescapable pull of his upbringing. As a young man, Sujo tries to carve out a new life away from the violence that marked his childhood, but soon finds that the sins of the past are never far behind.
Sujo promises a powerful and emotional exploration of family, survival, and the difficult choices that define one’s identity. The film is slated for release on December 6, 2024, and will captivate audiences with its raw portrayal of a young man struggling to break free from the cycle of violence and the heavy burden of his heritage.
Check Out The Trailer:-