Actor Arun Vijay has just set the stage for a thrilling cinematic experience with the release of a brand-new poster for his much-anticipated action drama, Vanangaan. Sharing the poster on social media, Arun Vijay confirmed the official release date: Vanangaan will hit cinemas worldwide on January 10, 2025. Fans can now mark their calendars for this gripping action-packed film, which promises to keep them on the edge of their seats.
Vanangaan is written, co-produced, and directed by the visionary filmmaker Bala, under the banner of B Studios, with Suresh Kamatchi of V House Productions serving as the co-producer. Arun Vijay leads the cast alongside the talented Roshni Prakash, bringing an intense dynamic to the big screen. The film also boasts a stellar technical team, with music composed by G. V. Prakash Kumar, cinematography by R. B. Gurudev, and editing by Sathish Suriya.
With a captivating storyline and a power-packed team, Vanangaan is poised to be one of the major releases of 2025, and Arun Vijay’s fans are eagerly awaiting what promises to be an unforgettable cinematic ride.