Actor Varun Kulkarni, who earned recognition for his performance alongside Shah Rukh Khan in Dunki, is currently facing a major health crisis. The actor is battling severe kidney issues, which have led to his hospitalization and require him to undergo dialysis 2–3 times a week, along with regular medical care. His friend, Roshaan Shetty, shared a heartfelt update on social media, calling for support for the young actor during this critical time.
In his post, Roshaan provided a glimpse into Varun’s challenges, both physical and emotional. "Despite our previous efforts to raise funds, the expenses for his treatment continue to mount. Just two days ago, Varun was rushed to the hospital for an emergency dialysis session," he wrote. He went on to highlight Varun's remarkable resilience, describing him not only as a brilliant artist but also as a kind and selfless individual.
Varun’s life story is one of perseverance. Having lost both his parents at a very young age, he has managed to carve out a successful career in theatre, overcoming personal and financial challenges along the way. Roshaan also emphasized that Varun has always been a self-made individual, pursuing his passion for acting despite the odds. However, the realities of being an artist often bring financial hardships, and now, Varun needs the support of his community more than ever.
To ease the financial burden of his ongoing treatment, friends and well-wishers have come together to raise funds for him. For those who want to contribute, a Ketto link has been created, making it easier for people to donate. Roshaan expressed that even the smallest contribution would go a long way in helping Varun recover and return to his true calling—performing on stage.
As Varun fights this health battle, his friends and fans are rallying together to ensure that he receives the support he needs. Your contribution, no matter how small, could be the lifeline that helps him regain his health and resume the career that he has worked so hard for.
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