Akshay Kumar is all set to captivate audiences with his upcoming film Sky Force, releasing on January 24th. In this high-octane action drama, the actor plays the role of an Air Force leader, leading his team through intense challenges. During the film's promotion, Akshay opened up about the core message of the film, the challenges of portraying an Air Force officer, and what made him take on this role.
"The most important message that comes from this film is summed up in a dialogue, 'They pledge never to leave one of them behind.' That is the whole story behind the film," Akshay explained. "You’ll understand the true meaning of this line after watching the film."
The film focuses on camaraderie, sacrifice, and the unbreakable bond shared between members of the Air Force, which Akshay believes is an essential takeaway for the audience.
Portraying an Air Force officer came with its own set of challenges, and Akshay was keenly aware of the nuances involved. "The most challenging part was the way an Air Force officer walks. Their posture is very different, so we had to make sure that I carried that with authenticity," he explained. "I just kept following my director’s guidance to get it right."
Sky Force marks the debut of Veer Pahariya, and Akshay couldn’t stop praising his co-star for his performance. "Veer plays a fantastic soldier. He has given a subtle performance, not over-the-top. From the beginning of the film, he hasn’t tried to show any heroism beyond his character," Akshay said. "He has portrayed the guy next door. What I love about him is that he didn’t try to go above and beyond what his character required."
When asked what made him take on this role, Akshay was quick to highlight the strength of the story. "The whole story was what made me say yes to the film," he said. "It was a kind of story that I would love to be a part of. I loved the way the screenplay was unfolding, and it’s based on a true story. I’ve never played an Air Force officer before, so it was exciting. There’s a good amount of action combined with everything else, which made it even more appealing."
With a mix of action, emotion, and a compelling storyline, Akshay found Sky Force to be the perfect project that ticked all the right boxes.