The upcoming Netflix streaming movie Dhoom Dhaam promises to take audiences on a wild ride as it flips the traditional "happily ever after" narrative on its head. The teaser, released this Monday, introduces viewers to the newly-wed couple Koyal and Veer, portrayed by Yami Gautam Dhar and Pratik Gandhi, respectively. What begins as a seemingly awkward moment between two strangers on their wedding night quickly escalates into a high-octane action sequence as goons barge into their room, turning their wedding night into a chaotic battle for survival.
Koyal, played by Yami Gautam, is a free-spirited wild child with no chill, while Pratik Gandhi’s character, Veer, is a timid, animal-loving veterinarian who finds himself in a far-from-perfect situation. The film sets the stage for a thrilling ride, as the newlyweds' wedding night goes awry the moment they tie the knot. Instead of the usual romantic getaway, they are thrust into a world of danger and action, setting the tone for a fast-paced, unpredictable story.
Directed by Rishab Seth and produced by Aditya and Lokesh Dhar of B62 Studios, alongside Jyoti Deshpande of Jio Studios, Dhoom Dhaam is set to deliver a mix of humor, romance, and action. With its unique premise and strong performances from Yami Gautam and Pratik Gandhi, the film is expected to captivate viewers on February 14, 2025, when it begins streaming on Netflix.
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