As anticipation builds for the upcoming historical action film Chhaava, actor Vicky Kaushal was spotted at the famous Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai, offering prayers before the much-awaited trailer launch. The actor, who plays the role of Maratha king Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj, was accompanied by Dinesh Vijan, producer of Chhaava under the banner of Maddock Films, and the film’s director Laxman Utekar.
The visit to Siddhivinayak, one of the most revered temples in Mumbai, was a moment of calm before the storm, as the team geared up for the release of the trailer later that evening. Chhaava is a historical epic based on the life of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj, the second ruler of the Maratha Empire, known for his valor, bravery, and leadership. Vicky Kaushal’s portrayal of this iconic figure has been highly anticipated, as he steps into the shoes of one of India’s most revered kings. The film is an adaptation of the Marathi novel Chhava by Shivaji Sawant.
The film also stars Rashmika Mandanna and Akshaye Khanna, adding to the excitement surrounding the project. Directed by Laxman Utekar, the film promises to be a visual spectacle with intense action sequences and a gripping historical narrative. Produced by Dinesh Vijan under Maddock Films, Chhaava is scheduled for a theatrical release on 14th February 2025, adding to the excitement of the Valentine’s Day season.
With the trailer dropping today, the buzz around Chhaava is set to skyrocket, as fans eagerly await a glimpse of Vicky Kaushal in action as the legendary Maratha king.