Bollywood’s beloved couple Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif took to social media to share their love and affection for Isabelle Kaif, Katrina’s younger sister, on her birthday. Vicky, known for his charming personality and thoughtful gestures, shared a beautiful picture of Isabelle, where she was seen posing against a serene sea. The "Masaan" actor wrote an adorable message for her: “Happiest Birthday, Isy! May you have the most joyous year ahead.”
Isabelle, who made her Bollywood debut with the 2021 film “Time To Dance”, received an equally heartwarming wish from her sister Katrina. The “Ek Tha Tiger” actress shared a cheerful picture of Isabelle, her smile radiating happiness, and added a sweet caption to celebrate her special day.
Isabelle, who has been carving her niche in the industry, was also seen in the film “Kwatha”. Though she is still at the beginning of her career, her supportive family—especially her sister Katrina—has been her pillar of strength, and it’s clear that they share a close bond.
Meanwhile, Vicky Kaushal is gearing up for an exciting phase in his career. The actor, fresh off his successful films like “Zara Hatke Zara Bachke”, will next be seen in “Mahavatar”, an epic film based on Indian mythology. Vicky will portray the legendary warrior sage Parashurama, in what is expected to be a larger-than-life performance. The film is slated for release in Christmas 2026, adding to the anticipation surrounding his upcoming projects. He is also set to star in “Chhaava”, based on the life of Sambhaji Maharaj, the son of Maratha King Shivaji.
As Isabelle Kaif steps further into the limelight, with the love and support of her family, it’s clear that her journey in Bollywood is just beginning, and fans can expect big things from her in the near future.