HBO Max drops the trailer for The Regime, a new political thriller dark comedy series created by Will Tracy. The series stars Kate Winslet, Andrea Riseborough, Matthias Schoenaerts, Martha Plimpton, Guillaume Gallienne, Hugh Grant, and Danny Webb.
Kate as the dictator of a fictional Middle European autocracy, following along as her regime begins to crumble and her power begins to wane. A dark satire about how insane all these power hungry, autocrat politicians always are.
This political thriller series follows a year within the palace of a crumbling authoritarian regime. Kate Winslet stars as the Chancellor (a dictator) of a fictional Middle European autocracy, who faces domestic turmoil that threatens her hold on power.
The series is penned by Sarah DeLappe, Seth Reiss, Gary Shteyngart, Jen Spyra, Will Tracy, and Juli Weiner. Helmed by Stephen Frears and Jessica Hobbs,.
Produced by HBO Entertainment along with Stephen Frears, Kate Winslet, Frank Rich, Tracey Seaward, Will Tracy.
The series starts streaming from March 3rd, 2024!