This morning, veteran actress Sharmila Tagore and her daughter, Saba Ali Khan, were seen visiting Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s Bandra apartment, sparking concern and speculation among fans. The visit comes just days after the actor’s horrifying experience during a violent robbery attempt.
On January 16, Saif Ali Khan was brutally attacked in the early hours by an intruder who stabbed him multiple times. The actor sustained severe injuries and was rushed to Lilavati Hospital for immediate treatment. Saif underwent two surgeries to treat his wounds and was later discharged on Tuesday. The shocking incident left fans and the film industry in shock, as the actor is known for his typically calm and composed demeanor.
The police soon arrested the suspect, Shareeful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir, also known as Vijay Das. The accused, a Bangladeshi national, had entered India illegally. According to police reports, his original intent was to rob a wealthy household and flee to Bangladesh the following day. However, the intruder claimed that he never intended to harm anyone, including the actor. While the truth of his motives remains under investigation, the incident has raised questions about security and the safety of celebrities in their private homes.
In the wake of this unsettling event, the appearance of Saif’s family members at his home serves as a reassuring sign of support. Fans of the actor are hoping for his swift recovery, as the family, including his mother and sister, rally around him during this challenging time.