Prime Video has just dropped the official trailer for Secret Level, a groundbreaking animated anthology series that promises to take gamers and animation lovers on a mind-bending ride through the worlds of their favorite video games. Created by VFX filmmaker Tim Miller and supervised by director Dave Wilson, Secret Level is set to deliver 15 original episodes, each celebrating a different universe inspired by iconic video game titles.
From the visionary team behind Love, Death + Robots, this adult-animated series is a tribute to both the artistry of animation and the immersive worlds of gaming. Each episode will dive deep into stories that are directly influenced by classic and contemporary video game franchises. The games that serve as the foundation for this season include heavyweights like Armored Core, Dungeons & Dragons, Mega Man, Pac-Man, The Outer Worlds, and Warhammer 40,000, alongside titles like Sifu, Crossfire, and Honor of Kings. With such a diverse range of games to draw from, Secret Level promises something for every kind of gamer.
The trailer promises a visually stunning spectacle, with each episode bringing its own unique style and flavor to the screen. Whether it’s the intense combat of Unreal Tournament, the strategy of Dungeons & Dragons, or the platforming magic of Mega Man, the series is a love letter to the games that shaped the industry and the gamers who have lived within these virtual worlds.
With its stunning animation, bold storytelling, and deep roots in video game culture, Secret Level is set to be a must-watch for anyone who has ever picked up a controller. Secret Level will begin streaming exclusively on Prime Video starting December 10, 2024, so mark your calendars and get ready to level up your entertainment experience.
Check Out The Trailer:-