Ziddi Girls" on Prime Video India follows the lives of five self-absorbed Gen Z freshers as they enter the corridors of Matilda House college. Over the course of a year filled with mistakes, heartbreaks, and self-discovery, deep friendships form among the group as they navigate the challenges that come their way, including threats to their college.
Prime Video India official handle announced the show, it said, “The lives of 5 self-absorbed Gen Z freshers is about to change as they enter the corridors of Matilda House college. Deep friendships form over a year of mistakes, heartbreaks and self-discovery as they put themselves between their college & the forces that threaten it. #ZiddiGirlsOnPrime #AreYouReady #PrimeVideoPresents Production Company: Pritish Nandy Communications Ltd. Creator | Co - Creator: Rangita Pritish Nandy | Ishita Pritish Nandy Producer: Pritish Nandy Directors: Shonali Bose, Neha Veena Sharma, Vasant Nath Writers: Vasant Nath, Neha Veena Sharma Key Cast: Simran Bagga , Revathy, Nandita Das, Nandish Sandhu, Anupriya Caroli, Atiya Tara Nayak, Ayushi Rawat, Zaina Ali, Umang Bhadana"
Starring Simran Bagga, Revathy, Nandita Das, Nandish Sandhu, Anupriya Caroli, Atiya Tara Nayak, Ayushi Rawat, Zaina Ali, and Umang Bhadana, "Ziddi Girls" promises to be a compelling and relatable story of friendship, resilience, and growth.
Directed by Shonali Bose, Neha Veena Sharma, and Vasant Nath, with Vasant Nath and Neha Veena Sharma as writers, the series is produced by Pritish Nandy Communications Ltd.
Join these spirited young women on their journey of self-discovery and friendship in "Ziddi Girls" on Prime Video.