At the trailer launch of the much-awaited film Deva today in Mumbai on Friday, Pooja Hegde opened up about her character Diya and the evolution of her career. The event was graced by the film’s director Rosshan Andrews, lead actor Shahid Kapoor, co-star Pavail Gulati, producer Siddharth Roy Kapur, and Umesh Kr Bansal.
In her conversation at the trailer launch, Pooja expressed her excitement about playing Diya, a character she believes will resonate with today’s audience. “Diya is a perfect takkar (match) to Dev’s character. You’ve seen the alpha male so many times, now it’s time to see the alpha female. She is not afraid to speak what she is feeling. She is bold, unapologetically herself, and is truly the girl of today,” Pooja shared. With this role, she aims to bring a fresh, fearless energy to the screen, showcasing the strength and independence of women in contemporary storytelling.
Pooja also took a moment to acknowledge the hard work of journalists, particularly those in investigative journalism, showing her deep respect for their courage. “I really like exploring the newfound respect for journalists because what you guys do is really hard, especially investigative journalism. You need a lot of guts and a lot of courage to do the job that you guys are doing,” she said.
Reflecting on her career, Pooja spoke about the shift in her choice of roles. “Just felt like I am at that point in my career where the roles I do now find me. It’s a reflection of the films I’ve done. I’ve gone by my gut feeling, choosing roles where the content is good, and I’ve always believed in versatility,” she explained. Pooja has worked across multiple film industries, from Telugu and Tamil to Hindi, gaining love and appreciation from audiences across the country. She considers herself privileged by this widespread recognition, which fuels her drive to constantly challenge herself.
Pooja, who hails from Karnataka and is a Mumbai girl at heart, has had a dynamic career journey. “I am a Mumbai girl who started my work in Tamil Nadu, got love and appreciation in Telugu, and I am from Karnataka originally. It’s truly humbling and makes me work harder,” she said, acknowledging the love she’s received from audiences across different regions.
Pooja’s portrayal of Diya is set to be one of the highlights of Deva, a film that aims to bring something fresh to Indian cinema with its strong characters and gripping storyline.
Deva is all set to hit the cinemas on 31st January, 2025.