Tamil cinema's beloved actor Ajith Kumar is making headlines for more than just his acting talent as he participates in the upcoming Dubai 24 Hours race (24H Dubai 2025). However, his journey took an unexpected turn recently when his car crashed during a practice session at the racing track. In shocking footage that surfaced online, Ajith's car can be seen spinning uncontrollably seven times before crashing into the barriers. The dramatic visuals left fans and onlookers holding their breath as the car skidded across the track.
Thankfully, the actor-turned-racer is doing well. Ajith's manager, Suresh Chandra, reassured the public, stating, “He is absolutely fine. By God's grace, nothing happened to him. He is fit and fine. Most probably, he will return tomorrow for the practice session.” This update has come as a relief to fans worldwide who were concerned after seeing the distressing footage.
Ajith Kumar, who is no stranger to high-speed thrills, is also the proud owner of Ajith Kumar Racing, a team he launched in September last year. His passion for motorsports is well-documented. Ajith has an impressive career in racing, having competed in prestigious events like the Asian Formula BMW Championship, the British Formula 3 Championship, and the FIA Formula 2 Championship. In fact, Ajith’s racing journey began with motorcycle racing, where he competed in the National Motorcycle Racing Championship before making his mark in car racing.
Despite the frightening crash, Ajith's dedication to motorsports remains unwavering, and fans can look forward to his return to the track soon. His resilience in the face of danger is just another chapter in his remarkable story both as an actor and a motorsports enthusiast.
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