Ram Charan, the global star who has become a household name with his powerful performances and captivating screen presence, is all set to enthrall audiences once again with his upcoming film Game Changer, releasing on January 10th. The trailer has already generated a massive buzz, with fans eagerly awaiting the release. To celebrate the occasion, a special press conference was held in Mumbai on Saturday, where Ram Charan shared some candid insights about his journey working with two of the biggest names in Indian cinema: S. Shankar and S.S. Rajamouli.
In the press conference, Ram Charan expressed his deep admiration for these legendary filmmakers, calling it a "dream come true" to work with them. Speaking about Shankar, he remarked, "He is the epitome of commercial films, larger than life...he has defined what is global cinema, pan India cinema. He is the first pan India director we had, hats off to him. I am so blessed.I am very fortunate It's a blessing to work in five years with directors like Rajamouli, and then Shankar sir, so much to learn from both of them..."
Charan's words reflected a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to collaborate with such iconic directors, who have redefined Indian cinema on a global scale. His admiration for Rajamouli, with whom he worked in the epic RRR, is equally profound.
Both Rajamouli and Shankar are known for their demanding, yet highly rewarding, work ethic. Charan revealed that both directors are taskmasters who constantly push their actors to give their best, never letting them relax. "Both of them are taskmasters...they keep pushing you always. There is not one day where you can relax. He is so particular, master at his class...that’s why I enjoyed working with him.".
As Game Changer approaches its release, Ram Charan's fans have much to look forward to. The film is releasing in cinemas on 10th January, 2025.