Diljit Dosanjh is all set to take audiences on a gripping journey with his upcoming film Punjab '95, which is based on the life of human rights activist Jaswant Singh Khalra. The actor recently shared BTS images and announced the teaser release date, captioning the post, “Punjab ‘95 Teaser Coming Out on 17th of January #ChallengetheDarkness”.
The film, directed by Honey Trehan, explores sensitive historical events surrounding the 1995 era of Punjab, following the real-life story of Khalra, who courageously exposed the extrajudicial killings of Sikhs by the Punjab police. The teaser will be released alongside Kangana Ranaut’s Emergency on January 17, 2025. Both films share a poignant historical connection through former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, whose decision to launch Operation Blue Star against Khalistani militants in the Golden Temple led to a series of tragic events, including her assassination. This operation catalyzed a fierce, brutal crackdown on the Sikh community, setting the stage for the turbulent Punjab of 1995.
The teaser for Punjab '95 promises to shed light on these dark chapters of Indian history, tackling themes of political strife, human rights, and the unrelenting pursuit of justice. Although the film faced its share of censorship hurdles, its commitment to telling a truthful and sensitive story has generated significant anticipation.
In addition to Punjab '95, Diljit Dosanjh is gearing up for a reunion with Anurag Singh in Border 2, the much-awaited sequel to the 1997 epic Border. He will also be appearing in the sequel to the 2005 comedy No Entry, titled No Entry 2, adding to the excitement surrounding his diverse upcoming projects.
With Punjab '95, Diljit is stepping into a role that is both politically charged and emotionally intense. Stay tuned for the teaser release on January 17 and get ready for a film that challenges darkness and calls for a reckoning with history.
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