Akshay Kumar has just dropped a powerful tribute to the unsung heroes of our nation with the song Kya Meri Yaad Aati Hai, ahead of his highly anticipated film SkyForce. The track, which is a heartfelt ode to bravery and the enduring legacies of our heroes, is already stirring emotions among fans. Sharing his thoughts on the tribute, Akshay took to Twitter and wrote, “A tribute to our brave heroes, whose legacies live on forever! #KyaMeriYaadAatiHai Song out now. #SkyForce releasing in cinemas this Republic Week, on 24th January 2025.”
The emotional song, sung beautifully by Vishal Mishra, features a powerful musical composition by Tanishk Bagchi, with poignant lyrics penned by Irshad Kamil. Kya Meri Yaad Aati Hai is set against the backdrop of SkyForce, a film that stars Akshay Kumar, Veer Pahariya, Sara Ali Khan, and Nimrat Kaur, and is set to be released in cinemas on January 24, 2025. The song reflects the enduring memories of our nation's heroes, with a melody that resonates deeply with the spirit of sacrifice and valor.
With its soul-stirring music and moving lyrics, the track beautifully captures the essence of SkyForce—a film that promises to honor our brave hearts. As the country prepares to celebrate Republic Week, this song stands as a tribute to those who have left an indelible mark on our hearts and history. SkyForce is already generating buzz as one of the most anticipated films of early 2025, and Kya Meri Yaad Aati Hai is sure to become an anthem for patriotism and remembrance.
Make sure to listen to the song now and experience the emotional depth and reverence it brings. The film hits the cinema halls on 24th Jan 2025.
Check Out The Song:-