Aadhi Pinisetty, one of the most talented actors in South Indian cinema, is all set to lead a pan-India film titled Sabdham, which is slated for release on February 28, 2025. Directed by Arivazhagan, the filmmaker known for his gripping narratives in Eeram, the film will be released in multiple languages, including Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Hindi. The Hindi version will be titled Aadhi Ke Sabdh. This multi-lingual thriller promises to captivate audiences with its intriguing plot and stellar performances.
Sabdham stars Aadhi Pinisetty in the lead role, alongside a talented ensemble cast featuring Simran, Laila, and Lakshmi Menon. The film is expected to showcase a riveting mix of suspense, drama, and high-octane action. The film's soundtrack is composed by the renowned music director Thaman, adding an extra layer of anticipation for fans who are already familiar with his signature style in crafting energetic and emotional scores.
The movie is produced by T3 Streaming and 7G Films and is expected to cater to a wide audience across India. With Arivazhagan at the helm, who has proven his storytelling skills in the past, Sabdham is set to become one of the most highly anticipated releases of early 2025.
As the buzz grows, fans of Aadhi Pinisetty and the genre can look forward to an edge-of-the-seat experience when Sabdham hits theaters across India. Keep an eye out for the release on February 28, 2025!